

“Thank you Exam Success for such an amazing opportunity.


“I attended Exam Success weekly throughout secondary school. The teaching system used at Exam success ran parallel to my school curriculum meaning I always stayed up to date and many times ahead of school work. This meant I was able to gain knowledge and most importantly confidence in my ability in Maths, English and Science.

With the help of the tutors at Exam Success, I was able to achieve 9 A* - B grades at GCSE which allowed me to comfortably get into the sixth form of my choice."


"I started at the centre when I was in year 7 and through the diligence, work and love of the teachers at the centre I was able to achieve 11 As and A*s at GCSE level. Which gave me a great confidence when undertaking my A-levels achieving Bs in Maths Geography & physics. This allowed me to reach university where I am currently carrying out a master’s in mechanical engineering. I can unequivocally say that I would not be at my current position if it wasn’t for all the effort those at the centre invested in me, running extra sessions during holiday time or when I had important exams coming up, doing everything within their power to make sure I achieved the best grades in maths and science where I achieved As in maths and biology and A*s in physics and chemistry."


“I attended Exam Success Educational Centre from the start of year 10 till year 13. During those years, I saw a massive improvement in my academic achievements. I was opted to take lessons in all 3 subjects- Mathematics, English and Science at GCSE and focused mainly on Mathematics at A-levels. The tutors at ESEC are fantastic as they are very knowledgeable in the subjects they teach; they break each topic down to make it more understandable to us. The competitive, yet-friendly, atmosphere encourages students to continuously do better, to take each mistake as a learning opportunity. Working in a family-like atmosphere means the relationship between student and tutor is one where you feel comfortable enough to approach your tutor when you are really struggling with work and you need extra help. You are never made to feel “less-than” your class-mates. With hard work and support from the teachers I achieved 2A*s, 8As at GCSE and 3 Bs at A levels.”

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